real estate agent

If you have a house in Shepherdsville, KY that you would like to sell quickly, TLC Home Buyers can help. At TLC Home Buyer, they buy houses fast and they make it easy. They’ll buy your house in CASH without you making any repairs or improvements. You don’t pay any of the closing costs or fees associated with selling your home, and they can close quickly to get you to cash out of there! 

You won’t pay any commissions, closing costs, or fees, and they can close quickly

They’ll handle everything for you. There are no hidden prices, commissions, or fees. You don’t have to make any repairs or fix anything up before you sell your house. They get it done with as little disruption as possible to keep the process moving smoothly for our clients and their families. 

You choose the closing date. It’s entirely up to you and they can close on your schedule

When you want to sell your house is entirely up to you. It’s entirely up to you and they can close on your schedule. They are here for you through every step of the process, from finding a buyer to closing the sale. 

You don’t have to maintain and fix the property! They will buy it AS-IS!

They will buy your house as-is, with no need to clean up or repair the property. No need to make any repairs and no need to pay for repairs. They are buying houses in every city in America. They can help you sell your home fast by getting it sold quickly so that you can move on with your life! 

It’s time to sell your house in Shepherdsville, KY! You can sell your house fast with them. They buy houses faster than anyone else in the area. The process is simple and easy, just contact them today from their official website and get a FREE consultation on how they can help you get rid of that burden of owning an unwanted property!