If you wish to save your exterior from the worst enemy like rain, snow, wind, and sunlight than rendering is the best option for you. Monocouche renders provide exterior safety by covering it with a coat with render. https://www.proguardexteriors.co.uk/what-is-monocouche-rendering/ offers you the best rendering service.
The rendering coating over your home will help you to maintain the external appearance good and it also helps to fix the external issues like cracks, fade out, and other natural issues that can be solved using the monocouche rendering by https://www.proguardexteriors.co.uk/what-is-monocouche-rendering/. They provide long-lasting protection to the exterior of your homes, and because of their stunning attractive finish, the value of your property will be added. It also increases thermal resistance and is efficient to save money by reducing electricity bills.
There are different types of render available in the market, but monocouche render is mostly preferred by users for their homes because of its exciting benefits. This is derived from standard cement render which is developed with additional benefits like weather-resistant, flexible, breathable coating to your exterior walls. This gives a finer finish to your home externals.
This monocouche render can be applied on any surface, in some cases, some special preparation is required. It can be applied by hand or by the pump. Monocouche rendering is available in pre-bagged dry form. It need to mix using clean water and be ready to apply on the external wall get benefited. Depending on the weather condition, the curing time of the render will be varied in the location. The curing time is varied based on the location from 5 to 35 hours. This curing time helps avoid cracks on the exterior and also makes the exterior appearance attractive and has fine finishing.
If the rendering is applied to your wall’s external surface; it will last up to eight to ten years. For long-lasting you need to clean your property cleaned before applying for a render. It helps to avoid forming cracks and shrinking on your external surface. It also helps to improve the exterior look of your property and the value of the property.