The speed of selling a house depends on the activity in the market. If a lot of transactions are made on it, that is, it does not take place during periods of crisis or economic recession, and you fail to sell the house within a month, the price for it may be too high. During a period of low activity in the real estate market, this period may be six months. If the house is not for sale, try lowering the price. If this does not help, many realtors advise temporarily removing the ad from sale sites, and after some time updating it and trying again.
If you decide to contact a real estate agent for help in selling a house, check how the ads look and write down all the conditions and costs of his services in the contract with the realtor. There are cases when agencies add a considerable amount to your price for a house and put it in an ad to make the difference for themselves without your knowledge. It is easy to sell the house at https://www.mobilehomecashoffer.com/ as you would get a good amount of money immediately at the best price. As a rule, it is even more difficult to find buyers at an inflated price than without the participation of an agency.
It is important to never attempt to cooperate with several real estate agencies at once. In this case, advertisements on popular sites for the sale of houses may be duplicated, and this causes distrust among potential buyers.
Start selling your house in the summer and spring
During the cold period, the demand for country houses decreases. Start selling in the spring or fall. As a rule, people search for houses in the spring and summer, so it is most correct to put it up for sale in March and expect that it can take from 2 to 6 months. If it was not possible to sell the house during the season, it is better to remove it from sale altogether and remove the ads until next spring.
write ad attractively
Your ad is the first impression potential buyers have of a home, so you need to put your heart and soul into it and apply all your creative skills. Take high-quality photos, shoot a video and write an honest and informative text.