Hiring a real estate agent appears to be the best option for homeowners. But doesn’t that choice have cons? Well, the answer is yes. There are a few disadvantages that are mentioned below. If you want to dodge the bullet, sell your property to https://www.eazyhousesale.com/sell-my-house-fast-in-lakewood/.
- Divided attention
- Commission
- Middlemen
- Mixed timetables
Divided attention: If you assume that your real estate agent will dedicate his whole time to you, you are mistaken. He may get busy and when a professional gets occupied with another client, the chances of delay to sell your property increase. Sometimes, his busy schedule may lead him to offer a less profitable deal for you. He may not even respond to your calls at times making you question your sanity.
Commission: A expert in the real estate business will charge a higher commission and offers additional services. This means a portion of earned profits may have to be transferred to the agent. On the other hand, if you choose a discounted real estate agent, you may save a few bucks but may not have the option to avail of some special services.
Middlemen: A real estate agent’s responsibility is to share your and the buyer’s interests with the concerned parties. Any misinformation or manipulation may cause you to rethink the deal or encash fewer profits. Alternatively, if you decide to eliminate the intermediary party, there won’t be scope for miscommunication and you can deal with the matter on your own.
Mixed timetables: As mentioned earlier, your real estate can be a busy professional. It means you have to adjust to their schedules even if it is not convenient for you. Sometimes, they may force you to sell your property for a cheaper rate as soon as possible to deal with another client. Why would you accept anything less? No reason.
Bottom line
From the above, it is evident that dealing with a real estate agent for the sale of your house can be trouble. Divided attention, higher commission, miscommunication, and mixed timetables are some of the common disadvantages of hiring a real estate professional. Why not contact a home-buying entity for an easy sale?