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Sunspots, commonly known as solar lentigines, are dark patches and brown spots that appear on the skin after prolonged exposure to direct UV rays from the sun. Every person, irrespective of their age, is susceptible to sunspots on their skin from exposure to sun rays. It is a focal increase in the pigment of the skin called melanin. These spots may be as small as 2 mm or as big as 20 mm. They generally appear on areas regularly exposed to the sun, like the face, particularly the nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, neck, chest, arms, hands, and back.

Remedies for Getting Rid of Sunspot:

It is very essential to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and avoid sunspots, but if your skin has developed some sunspots, then you can use the remedies given below to get rid of your sunspots:

  1. Direct application on sunspots

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera gel can be very effective if applied twice a day for reducing sunspots as it repairs tissue and helps grow new cell tissue.
  • Tomato: Cut a fresh tomato in half and rub it on your sunspots for a few minutes to remove spots. Fresh tomatoes can be very helpful in repairing skin tissue as they contain enzymes that rebuild damaged cells.
  • Vitamin E: A mask of vitamin E and honey can be used to remove the spots and nourish the skin, as it will heal the damaged skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar and onion juice: Apply the juice of apple cider vinegar and onion to the skin affected by UV rays, let it sit in the skin for 10–15 minutes, and then wash it off with water. This will help lighten the spots, and it has a bleaching effect.
  • Cod olive oil and castor oil: Apply the mixture of cod olive oil and castor oil to your spots twice a day to fade the sunspots.
  • Lemon Juice: Apply lemon juice for 10 minutes to the skin to reduce sunspots, as citric acid has great healing properties.
  • Sunblock creams: Apply sunscreen with SPF-35 for 30 minutes before you go out in the sun. It protects the skin from UV rays and prevents further damage.
  1. Dietary Measures

You must include the following foods in your diet for healthy-looking skin:

  • Citrus foods like oranges and tomatoes boost cell repair.
  • Green tea is good for detoxing your body and removing impurities.
  • Green vegetables rich in vitamin B and E help improve the quality of your skin.

These remedies can be very effective in fading the sunspots and making the skin look more radiant and soft, and they can protect your skin from further damage. Visit the shakura review website and learn more.